Thursday, June 23, 2005

It's Not Really Cheating If It's Only in Your Heart*

I have a confession to make: I have been committing adultery. At least a few times a day for the past couple of weeks.

Even if you've only stopped by my blog once or twice, just enough to think "God, this chick is so vapid and her blog so uninspired**!", that's enough to know about 'Lil Nazi (AKA Black Betty, Guten Tag, Gut and Tag, and Gorgeous George). I love my car. More than anyone should love anything that does not have a beating heart.

But I have to confess...I've been having impure thoughts lately. About another car. I've dreamed about this other car, and become slightly obsessed with this other car. My heart beats a little faster ever time I look at her. She's so...pretty. So...fluid. So...curvy. So...quick. So...fuel efficient.

Smart Roadster BRABUS

JUST LOOK AT HER! Do the full 360 tour to get the full effect. Mmmmmmm. I'm totally having sex with her in my mind right now.

Unfortunately, because she's little and cute and fuel efficient, and not ginormous and capable of fording deep rivers and climbing mountains and getting only 12 miles to the gallon, she's of course not available in the U.S. yet.

But soon, my love. Soon.

* NOT TRUE. So no don't even think of messing with AMBF because I will cut you. With a grapefruit spoon.

** The uninspired part is especially true today, since I started about eight different posts and decided they all sucked donkey ass. I'm not confident that this one will be any better.


Chris said...

Your passion for cars intrigues me. Tell me, have you learned how to double clutch and heal-and-toe shift yet?

Chris said...

And are you sure you aren't from Detroit, at least in spirit?

tim jenkins said...

i still think heel/toe is overrated

and i love that smart car
have since the first time i laid eyes on one...

i either have to get one of those or the Pontiac Solstice...

King Nate Unknown said...

I really don't like the whole Nazi angle to what you call your VW. As for Smart car... it looks like a rip off of the new Lotus.

True Jersey Girl said...

That's a pretty nice car. Think of how I feel - I used to drive a red convertible Mustang GT. Then I went and got pregnant, so now my husband gets to drive the Stang and I "get" to drive the family car. Talk about car envy.

Mona said...

I found you on Diane's site and let me just say this:

#1) I can completely understand having impure thoughts about another car

#2) Not only did I lust over the curves of that car, I actually got excited when I saw "fuel efficient" (yup, that's what I've become now...a conscientious citizen)

#3) I love the way you wrote this entry. Rest assured, you wrote an interesting post.

Lara said...

Chris, no, I'm too scared to try those fancy moves. Maybe if I got a junker to practice on...

Nate, it's okay, cause I'm part German. Kidding aside, I don't really call it that, it's a joke from an earlier post. She's Black Betty to me.

Kitsune, I know, I saw that too. I just choose to ignore it. And RX-7s are awesome, but this thing is under $20K!

Jersey, that sucks. Hopefully you get to sneak out and drive it sometime...but dude, what a MILF you would be if you were cruisin in the 'Stang with a carseat in the back! :)

Locus, no...but if someone forced me to I would. And go take a cold shower!

TLP said...

Sex in a car is fine, but sex with a car is just wrong. Sick and twisted. But, I like sick and twisted people. Rock on.

Chris said...

Tim Jenkins: that's only because you don't know how to do it that down shifts are smoothe. OH BURN! LOL

AMG: A good way to start is simply learning to Revv match, and double clutch. Once you have that, it's just a matter of teaching yourself how not to push too hard on the break while your foot is revving the accelorator. Double clutching is fun...and makes for very, very smoothe stops, corners. And it gives you an excuse to revv your engine, beyond just revving it for fun. Purposeful gets my blood boiling, let me tell you. (not recommended for use in an electric car)

Darcey said...

Grapefruit spoons are evil - damn, woman, put away your claws! And I would NEVER think of even thinking oF AMBF. (Other than thinking of him in the fact that I would never think of him that way.) I have CB, and that's good enough for me. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh for Gods sake...

Who wrote his thesis on the Mercedes Smart car? Any suggestions slackers? The Man, that's who! And more to the point - who's pretty bloody wasted right about now? The Man, that's who. And even more important, who comments on other people's blog, just to talk about himself?


Blake said...

I wanted one of these when I lived in Paris. But driving one on an American road seems like a death wish, in Texas anyways (we've got a lot of big trucks here).


Fred said...

AMG - thanks for stopping by my blog. This is a great site - and I love the European pictures on your other blog. As you can tell, I just got back from Europe last week.

I'll stop by and leave useless comments once in awhile.

skypilotjourneyman said...

Since all your posts sucked donkey ass, I think you should do a post ON sucking donkey ass, so those of us who aren't as familiar with the concept can understand better.

Anonymous said...

Sharron said...

You'd look awesome flying down the road with the top down! ;)

There's nothing wrong with women with their tops down.

Unknown said...


You're right! The Nissan version of the Infiniti M is only available in Japan, and the Brabas, which is a pretty cool design. Although, I would need a sedan version because I would not physically fit into the roadster (just guessing). ;)


Unknown said...

"Don't say my car's topless, say the titties is out!" -NAS



Anonymous said...

uum, i know this is odd, but can i have sex with your car too

Anonymous said...

Three cylinders just isn't gonna be enough [wo]manpower! It's cutesy, but I think I'd like something with a little more, ahem, balls.

Geez said...

What the fuck is a car?

Sorry, I live in New York City.

Anonymous said...

LOL...definitley an interesting blog! Thanks for commenting on my site. I'll be back! = )

DAVE BONES said...

here is my dream bike. It doesn't exist in reality yet but should only cost £1500 to put together. Why do you like such a small car? I thought you all were gas guzzlers.

MF said...

I think I see the Virgin Mary in the clear coat finish.