This is probably the oddest banner ad I've ever seen. An advertisement for elk meat would be a bit strange in and of itself, but the use of the word "carcass" is downright bizarre. And faintly unappetizing.

I'm relieved that they specified this was a NEW elk carcass. GOD KNOWS I WOULDN'T WANT A USED ONE.
For the curious, when you click the ad you are taken here. I recommend reading the reviews for a bit of a chuckle (although these are nowhere near the scope and hilarity of the milk reviews), and also be sure to click to view the full-sized image (or just click here), because who doesn't love a glistening meat shot?
And who can beat that reasonable price of $1,200? That's pretty cheap, as far as full carcasses go... or at least I would imagine.
Those comments are hilarious!
Well, the price IS only $5.44/lb so it is actually quite reasonable if you buy in bulk.
What I really like is the listing of items viewed by other customers who also viewed this item.
A couple of those items were: 1) fresh whole rabbit ($29.50!) and 2)new orleans Alligator sirloin tail meat.
That's right. Not just ANY meat, but SIRLOIN TAIL meat.
"Less cholesterol than skinless chicken and one half the fat of beef." What a selling point.
That just terrifies me. Really. And I think I'm pretty capable with odd things in my kitchen.
I could just imagine going to a restaurant to hear the daily specials.. "And for the entree, the chef has prepared a special broiled elk carcass with a zesty burre-blanc sauce. Its served with cremini mushrooms and fingerling potatoes."
I like elk carcass dipped in ranch dressing.
A carcass from Hmmm.
My birthday is coming up, if anyone would like to buy that for me.
And to think that all this time I was doing my best to ignore those Amazon banners. Thanks for pointing out the endless fun in reading comments for these products....PRICELESS!
Now excuse me while I return to my Tuscan Milk haiku...
oh man, the milk reviews are awesome! i especially love the haiku. haha. good find!
Hilarious. Kind of spendy ...
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