Monday, March 26, 2007

Amazon, Amazon, Is There Anything With Which You Can't Provide Me?

This is probably the oddest banner ad I've ever seen. An advertisement for elk meat would be a bit strange in and of itself, but the use of the word "carcass" is downright bizarre. And faintly unappetizing.

I'm relieved that they specified this was a NEW elk carcass. GOD KNOWS I WOULDN'T WANT A USED ONE.

For the curious, when you click the ad you are taken here. I recommend reading the reviews for a bit of a chuckle (although these are nowhere near the scope and hilarity of the milk reviews), and also be sure to click to view the full-sized image (or just click here), because who doesn't love a glistening meat shot?


mysterygirl! said...

And who can beat that reasonable price of $1,200? That's pretty cheap, as far as full carcasses go... or at least I would imagine.

Carlos said...

Those comments are hilarious!

* said...

Well, the price IS only $5.44/lb so it is actually quite reasonable if you buy in bulk.

What I really like is the listing of items viewed by other customers who also viewed this item.

A couple of those items were: 1) fresh whole rabbit ($29.50!) and 2)new orleans Alligator sirloin tail meat.

That's right. Not just ANY meat, but SIRLOIN TAIL meat.

Braindead Betty said...

"Less cholesterol than skinless chicken and one half the fat of beef." What a selling point.

Darcey said...

That just terrifies me. Really. And I think I'm pretty capable with odd things in my kitchen.

I could just imagine going to a restaurant to hear the daily specials.. "And for the entree, the chef has prepared a special broiled elk carcass with a zesty burre-blanc sauce. Its served with cremini mushrooms and fingerling potatoes."

mist1 said...

I like elk carcass dipped in ranch dressing.

Anonymous said...

A carcass from Hmmm.

Ayatollah Mugsy said...

My birthday is coming up, if anyone would like to buy that for me.

Sexy Lexi said...

And to think that all this time I was doing my best to ignore those Amazon banners. Thanks for pointing out the endless fun in reading comments for these products....PRICELESS!

Now excuse me while I return to my Tuscan Milk haiku...

Lynn said...

oh man, the milk reviews are awesome! i especially love the haiku. haha. good find!

Maurey Pierce said...

Hilarious. Kind of spendy ...

Unknown said...

well... I don't know what to say