Friday, November 02, 2007

Everybody love the sexy mustard!

I really love Halloween. I have fun dressing up and decorating the house and it combines two of my favorites - giving things to people (good things, I try not to give out STDs or the flu) and kids so freaking cute you could die.

So another Halloween has come and gone, and I have to say, well done! I was a little wary about the giving out of the candy this year and the universe proved me wrong. Last year it was all grabby kids, no "thank-you"s, teenagers who couldn't even pretend to dress up, and the new "my little brother is at home sick so I'm getting candy for him too, can I have two?" scheme that the kids had going. But this year I think they had mandantory manners classes at school or something, because everyone took only one piece, and everyone was dressed up, and everyone said thank you, and not one kid tried to scam me out of more candy!

Riley dressed up once again as Batman-Dog and was a big hit with the kids, although after the first few trick-or-treaters came by and he figured out he was getting neither playtime nor candy out of anyone he kind of lost interest and just sat at the top of the steps looking forlorn. That may have also been the costume. Apparently the animals don't appreciate the dressing up as much as the humans do. And I did have one "awww" moment when a little boy saw Riley and started to back up, and his mom stepped in and explained he was afraid of dogs. But then Riley sat down and the little boy exclaimed, "Oh! Mom! It's not a dog! It's Batdog! I'm not scared of Batdog!" and proceeded to pet him. His mom was shocked; apparently he's never touched a dog before. Well played, Riley, well played.


Anonymous said...

What a very good dog. One of my dogs loves the whole idea of Halloween...she is amused by human activities. But the other three I just let go read a book until it's over.

Anonymous said...

bravo Riley!

Batpug said...

I must say, I approve of that costume.

Braindead Betty said...

The cuteness. With the batdog...overload!

T. M. Hunter said...

Maybe Riley is really Batdog, and only pretends to be a regular dog the rest of the year.

Anonymous said...

Riley looks soooo cute. He such a sweet, sensitive guy.I was kinda bummed not to be able and stay home for trick or treaters this year. We had a good time anyway. Here are some of the pics from Halloween.

Anonymous said...

Hello.... Riley looks so cute and he is a superman..
Hi Lara.... there is a nice studend
named Teresa (25) and she lives in Italy...
if you are interrested so please
mail to: