Monday, April 25, 2005

It's So Easy!

Look! With just a few simple keystrokes in Photoshop, you can go from sitting at home by yourself:

To partying at THE happening hot spot!*

It's the cheap, simple, lazy (wo)man's alternative to actually going out!

* Yes, I know it's a bad PS job. Done for the humor factor. And yes, I know that's a crappy party, but it was the first thing I found through Google Images.


The G-man said...

Why, oh why, would anyone with dimples like that ever have to sit home alone?

Darcey said...

G-man, you beat me to the dimples comment. As a fellow dimple-owner, I must say, I think I'm jealous!

Rock out on your Spanish, chiquita!

Andrew Butters said...

Mmmm dimples.

Anonymous said...

Well, your definition of "happening hot spot" is pretty loose.
I am definitely seeing Grannies partying there in the background.

But wait! What's that strange silver orb shape coming to attack AMG?
It's a UFO! Run AMG, RUN!!

Phew! Photoshop is a powerful medium.


P.S. Hope you were happy with the Spanish. I'm sure you did fab.

scott c said...

Wow. With all the immense powers of photoshop you manage to transport yourself to the CRAPPIEST bar/club in the UNIVERSE. Dimples or not, there is a distinct air of boredom to your face.

Unknown said...

Dimple-Dimple-Dimple! Yeah, dimple owners like myself are just the coolest, yo! Nice Photoshop craziness too. I need to screw around some more with it instead of doing the lame-o crop, resize, sharpen shite! Boring!


Unknown said...

Nice pic, again girl! ;)


Geez said...

better dimples than pimples

Tim Bastron said...

Nice picture. It appears a lot of people really like your dimples. I was just surfing through some blogs and came across yours. It has some good stuff. Feel free to stop by my blog sometime and check it out.

The address is

I will look for you in the comment section. Your comments and opinion will only make the site better.

Anonymous said...

This is such a "look at me, love me!" blog. I hope all of these people are your friends, because although you're cute, the blogosphere doesn't need yet another gratuitous horn-tooter with nothing to talk about but herself.

Roonie said...

Great dimples? Check. Great freckles? Check. I didn't know you were so pretty!

Lara said...

"Anonymous said...

This is such a 'look at me, love me!' blog. I hope all of these people are your friends, because although you're cute, the blogosphere doesn't need yet another gratuitous horn-tooter with nothing to talk about but herself."

Haha, for some reason that made me laugh really hard, because anyone that DOES know me knows that is SO not me. But it does kind of sound that way on this blog. Just a little. But since I'm not that self confident in the REAL world, it's nice to be able to be like that in the blog world.

Anonymous said...

Since the dimples and freckles have already been covered, I'd like to say that I really like your necklace, too.

tom said... are cute. Lets see your toes?

JRae said...

Don't worry AMG, I don't think your blog is a "look at me, love me" one. That anonymous person clearly hasn't read the rest of it.

Although you do seem to have a disproportionate amount of male admirers. Esp. for a girl who has a boyfriend. You are very cute, so I can see why... but they're kinda creepy in a pervy way. Blegh.

Anonymous said...

I've read plenty, thank you.

Booker said...

and yet you still won't say who you are. Seems like you are criticizing others to make up for some lack of your own. Freud might have something to say about this-"did your mommy hug you when you were little?"