Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Mr. T, Sir? "Groan" and "Born" Don't Rhyme. What, You Think They Do? Okay. Whatever You Say. You ARE Mr. T., After All!

Hmm, I may have inadvertently sunk myself by creating such a brilliantly funny post on Monday. Now I need to top it. It's going to be hard, but...I think I have just the thing.

That's right, Mr. T. You pity the fool! You tell those crazy kids what's up! "M is for the moan and the miserable groan from the pain that she felt when I was born...Treat her right, Treat your mother right!"

WORTH CLICKING FOR SO MANY REASONS! The bad rap, the horrible background singers, the hideous "dancing" (put in quotes because I am not sure what they are doing really qualifies as dancing), the 80's hair and clothes, the kid giving his mother a massage while wearing -- what are those? Golf Gloves?? And of course, for Mr. T.

And for those of you adventurous souls who just need more Mr. T, or who have an undying thirst for knowledge, or who want to laugh even harder, you can find the lyrics here.

*Thanks to Scott C for the link and to iFilm for graciously hosting the clip.


James and Jacob's Mommy said...

And to think, I have a friend (born in the 80's)who doesn't even know who Mr. T is. I pity the fool.

Thanks for entertaining me. I think I will send this video to my mom.

Good Boy said...

How about the fact that it was written by Ice-T? Which makes it, in the pantheon of shit you don't expect the guy who talks an length and enjoyably about his life as a pimp, hosts the Playa's Ball, and wrote about 6 thousand songs about killing people, a top floor entry. I'm not even kidding. This is on par with hearing a rap about the SATs, and finding out Keanu Reeves wrote it.

Andrew Butters said...

I lined up at a Toys "R" Us for like 18 hours when I was little so I could meet Mr. T.

I never did get to meet him, but I can imagine he would have been just as articulate and entertaining.

Geekbird said...

No, not all anonymous people are idiots. You're kind of quasi-anonymous as it is anyway

CaptSmakk said...

Interviewer: What's your prediction for the fight?
Clubber Lang: My prediction? Pain.
- Mr. T as Clubber Lang in Rocky 3
Classic stuff.

Unknown said...




mcgibfried said...

i sat in silent awe when i first saw this. and then i shed a tear for the 4 minutes of my life that i will never get back!

Andrew Butters said...

If God takes you up on that Kraken, I'll write a song about you.

Max said...

Mmmm crappy!