Wednesday, April 06, 2005

They're Watching You...

So one of my friends pointed something interesting out to me yesterday, and I'm going to totally just outright steal it and use it as my own. Except I just admitted that, so it's really more like borrowing it. I'll give it back when I'm done.

Anyone notice what hasn't been in the news lately? That's right - the war in Iraq. Why hasn't it been in the news? Because of the 24/7, minute-by-minute coverage by all of the news stations on the Terra Shaivo (which SpellCheck just tried to change to "Terra Shaver") debate. Coincidence that "the government"* jumped at the chance to become involved? Maybe...

And then what happened? Terra Shaver, er, Terri Shaivo died. Oh, no! What should "the government" do now to take the focus off of the war?

That's right. The pope.

Now, I'm not accusing Bush of actually killing the pope.**

I'm just sayin' is all....

*No particular reason for the quotes...just thought it looked more conspiracy theory-ish.
**Or am I?***
***No, I'm not.


Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

We need a famous person to die to keep us responsible and conservcative and glued to Fox News. Must ignore wartime casualties.

How about the Sr. Bush? They don't need him anymore, and he'll probably get better ratings than Reagan's Alzheimer drooling death did.

Who's with me? I want to see Barbara quiver like a puddle of jello. I want to see her clutch her pearl necklace and breathe fire.

I'm a bad person.

Andrew Butters said...

Here's some of an exchange AMG and I had a short while ago:

Boutros: Heard about the soft wood lumber thing?

AMG: Can't say I have read about it...

Boutros: In a nutshell - Canada exports soft wood lumber to the US. Our wood is more plentiful and A LOT cheaper than lumber harvested in the US. So, the US tries to (successfully) impose tarifs on our wood (fuck NAFTA).

AMG: OK...

Boutros: Now, we (Canada) get pissed about his (as we should) and take it to "the courts". It was rules by "the courts" that we should get our money back.

Boutros: So, there's an account down there in the States somewhere with $3 BILLION in it that "the courts" say is ours.

Boutros: Now here's the funny part. The US Government essentially said, "No. We don't want to give it to you, so we won't". And that's that.

AMG: Wow. That's fucked up. (paraphrasing).

My point (yes I do have one) is that NOTHING, I mean absolutely nothing, surprises me any more when it comes to the US Government and George W. Bush.

Unknown said...


That which you have stumbled upon, my dear, is a "weapon of mass distraction!" They will continue to occur as long as their arelemmings in this country willing to swallow it up!

I think we have had enough celebrities keel over already with the Pope, Perdue and Johnnie Cochran. Enough is enough. Now what we really need is more celebs getting knocked-up to bring back balance to the mix. LOL


Obsconder said...

I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where News channels informed their veiwers of many important things that were occuring in the world around us? Lately, such a place is hard to imagine!

Geez said...

And in the same line of thinking--distracting us that is(and I "borrow" this from the Daily Show), the government can basically hold hearings on anything they want:

WMD's? Nah.
Abu Ghraib? Nope.
Enron? Fat chance, homie.

I know:

Robert said...

It's a good thing you didn't put ** after the "***No, I'm not." we would have been caught in an infinite loop.

Somebody please stop this blog, I'm getting dizzy.

Lord Chimmy said...

I just love that site.

Robert said...

As for the cover-up people, I've always wonder why they think the government made up evidence as an excuse to go to war but that the government wasn't smart enough to fake evidence once we got there.

EnjoyTheSilence said...

Ok so I ended up on the bottom of the comment list however I am ok with that. So it is kinda like "Wag the Dog", except instead of creating a fake war to cover up a sex scandal, we are creating other forms of news to cover up the war scandal... Make sense to me...