Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Where's AMW?*

You've see her at home alone...

You've seen her partying at a happenin' hot spot...

Now see her in Taiwan:

Mucho shout outos to Kitsune.

*Anonymous Midwest, um, Waldo. Okay, that was MUCH funnier in my head.


The G-man said...

Um, I really like AMG's blog and all, but folks I think we need to take up a collection to help her with her wardrobe and jewelry. It seems she only has one blouse and one necklace to her name.

I mean, what woman do you know that wears the same outfit for around the house, clubbing and travel to exotic locales?

These photos may be a subtle cry for help. Bloggers unite to rescue AMG!

Andrew Butters said...

I vote for nakedness. Simple possessions like clothes only make one desire other more offensive things, like beer, which strangely enough seems to result in the removal of clothes.... hmmmm. I vote for beer.

Anonymous said...

Oh that's a much better name Bob.
Accurate too.

Did AMG really go to Taiwan or did the sinister alien from the night-club drop her off there after their eh, experiments?

That would explain the wardrobe too.

God damn you aliens!!
(Shakes fist)


scott c said...

Hey AMG! Are you in Bangcock?


JRae said...

Yer pretty. Cute dimples. :)

How are you going to remain anonymous with a pic of yourself up here?? ;)

GoGo said...

Why does it hurt when i pee?

Chris said...

I bet they have good Chinese restraunts there.