Actually, I think this is a great way to liberate a truly abused animal group. Just think about it. If hamsters packed heat, less would have ended up the 'ol bung hole.
Where was PETA then? I remember the late great Sam Kinison saying that nobody cares about hamsters, but if it were tuna, the whole nation would have been in an uproar! LOL
That's so wrong it became right and then went all the way back around to being wrong again.
Where do you find this stuff?
I hope you do not mind that I stole the picture. I will pass it around to some friends and take the credit :)
awesome! Im going to strap some freedom missles to lil' britches tonight and send him out on a liberation mission.
We have two guinea pigs. I just found somethng to do today.
OMFG this shit is fucking hilarious and on a side note
CheyenneWay Freedom Missles = I am fucking rolling at that shit
The one with the knife strapped to it is just gold.
Pretty much classic.
This is too precious for words.
Still spitting tea on the "Troubleshooting" inset.
Christ that's hysterical.
Dammit that's twice now I've meant to thank you for the nice compliment on my post. Muchly appreciated.
Expect the PETA protesters outside your door around 2:00. LOL!!
ok.,. now thats a riot!
Actually, I think this is a great way to liberate a truly abused animal group. Just think about it. If hamsters packed heat, less would have ended up the 'ol bung hole.
Where was PETA then? I remember the late great Sam Kinison saying that nobody cares about hamsters, but if it were tuna, the whole nation would have been in an uproar! LOL
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