Wednesday, July 06, 2005

At Least It Wasn't Mine

So, apparently, a car and fire don't mix. Who knew?

Lesson #348: Do not - I repeat - DO NOT leave your windows down on the 4th of July.


Lara said...

So the story is this: A little before midnight on Sunday night, we were at Friend A's house. Friend B leaves to go pick up his car, which is parked about a block away at his parent's house. Friend B comes running back yelling that his car is on fire, so we all jump in AMBF's car to go check it out. I was not at all expecting to see 12-foot flames surrounding the car. It was totally decimated. Unbelievable. My first car fire! I just wish it had been some abandoned car instead of a good friend's. And no, he did not have full coverage insurance, so he's out a car.

Miss_Vicki said...

Did someone at least bring some marshmallows? ;)

Sorry, just a joke, bummer about the car. I'd definitely be freaking out.

Blake said...

That may be the greatest 7/4 happening yet. I've been involved with a grass fire and burned down an old shed, but never a car. Classic.


The Lazy Iguana said...

How positive is the car owner that this was not arson?

SirTalksALot said...

Damn, that sucks. Is your city bike/pedestrian friendly, looks like your friend might need some walking shoes for a while.

Geez said...

oooooooooh preeeeetty