Thursday, September 15, 2005

I'll Have a Side of Petra and a Helping of Adriana, Please!

For those of you who took offense to the two guys (who are, by the way, Scott C and Magnum DI) pictured in the previous post, and whose appetites for steak were forever (although I do think forever is a bit strong here. Maybe I can see for a year or two, but forever?) ruined by the depiction of them with those luscious, juicy slabs of meat, this is for you:



Anonymous said...


Just... Perfect.


Derek said...

Oh Dayum

David Stehle said...

I'll take both of those sizzlers!

Anonymous said...

wow, didn't know you had such an amazingly shallow audience.

MJL said...

Those are some gorgeous pieces of meat...and the steaks don't look so bad, either.

Hubba hubba.

Lara said...

Anonymous, oh, hell yes. They're some of the shallowest out there. And I have to say, I love them for it!

Lara said...

And before someone rips me for the crappy paste job and the rather creepy arms sticking out of Petra's stomach, please know that I did that in five minutes in MS Paint, because we don't have Photoshop at work. Not that I'm doing this at work or anything. Cause I'm not.

exile said...

hot chicks make everything better

but you already knew this, diddn't you?

Chixulub said...

I could help you with the Photoshop work. It's what I do for a living. Better to have Audrey Tautou, Liv Tyler or maybe AMG posing over what is apparently a whole, corn-raised cow.

How many people were you cooking for? What are those, 2" ribeyes? Yikes. I loves a good steak, but those are more like pot roasts.

Chris said...

i'll take it laying down ...

Jack said...

Mmmm steak...


My first thought was "WTH"? Then i did a bit of research...I dig your posts. Thanks for making me laugh!

p.s. "AMG's Words That Sound (And Should Be) Dirty, But Aren't." was my fave!

jazz said...

i have no preference. my eyes go to the meat first no matter what.

i love steak!

Aliecat said...


PackerPundit said...

hey gorgeous... thanks for doin' a drive bye and commentin' pleaaaaaaaaase come back anytime you like... I enjoy looking at pretty girls profile pics in my comment section and you just lit up the screen :-)


RocksAndChairs said...

mmmmmmmmmmmm steak!

Anonymous said...

It has to be said. This one is much easier on the eye!

Big Ben said...

You could of just put your picture on on there. By the way, those guys had some serious guns.

Gordy said...

Nice, very know how to please us leches

Lord Chimmy said...

God bless you. I think I'm tearing up...

Unknown said...

And I wanted to be a vegetarian.

And straight.

Anonymous said...

you a slut

Anonymous said...

Nothing like filet mignion!

PS That Hernesto kid is going around calling every girl in the blogosphere sluts and whores. How cute is that?

John Bryson said...

I would eat the corn out of your shit.

John Bryson said...

I would eat the corn out of your shit.

Toenex said...

Hi, have I seen you here before? Oh really, this is my first time. Are you a friend of Sam? Yeah, the small guy with the moustache and the spinning bowtie? No. Oh you really should meet him. You'd love him.

Ok mother, I'm coming.

ALRO said...

steaks? what steaks?

Weary Hag said...

You are such a class act! haha I love it.

john boy said...

Thank you, Darlin'. Much improved. Though, I think a pic of you might have satisfied this group even more.