Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I'm Not Saying That I Don't Like The Man, But If Even Google Knows...

Two quickies today, which I realize could be taken as some sort of sexual innuendo, and I of course full encourage you to take it as thus.

First. Try this. No, I mean it. Try it NOW. Open another browser window (because God forbid you use THIS one) and go to Google. If you have been living under a rock for the past five years, that would be Type in "failure" and check out the results. The first one is hilarious, and the second somehow makes it even better, as it brings the humor full circle to offend both the left and the right. If, for some reason, you want instant gratification and are too lazy to go through the work of doing this experiment yourself (i.e. you're American), you can click here to see what you get.

Second. This checklist was on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart a couple of weeks ago, and it's just as funny now as it was then. Funnier, even, since I've allowed it to fester for two weeks because I forgot I had it.

Note both the "Princess Bride" and the "Harry Potter" shoutout. Further proof that Jon Stewart and I are soulmates.


Chixulub said...

And to think, I struggled to get 'Lobsterism' to show me on Google. I mean, it's a word I made up, so you'd think my web site would be #1 instead of not on radar. I worked hard to make 'lobsterism' show up on Google, then quit updating my regualr site because it's just too much easier to blog.

The 'Princess Bride' is actually a pretty good representation of our government. We're stuck between Humperdink and the six-fingered man. With voters who ask 'will you promise not to hurt him?'

Anonymous said...

Stewart is king, and I ain't talking about Martha.

Unknown said...

Hahaha! That's freaking priceless!

Echrai said...

John Bolton. Oh, so sick and twisted. just another one of the reasons I love you. But not in a scary gross weird stalker girl way. In a wholely normal you've got an awesome blog way.

Kiki said...

I often look up words like beautiful, amazing, fabulous, hilarious etc. on google images.

It always provides a good time.

jamwall said...

they left out the part about the video of bush, cheney and rumsfeld gangbanging a small dog!

Megan said...

Oh, you are so my kind of girl. I swoon for Jon Stewart. Well done, girl, well done.

Unknown said...

Zero people left on earth. First of all, that is brilliant. Secondly, let's hope it stays unchecked. Although, with W. at the helm...

Me! said...

Jon Stewart is the main man. He has to be the ultimate man.. or at least to me. :-)

I loved the Google search results. I often look up adjectives on the images so I'm used to finding obsurd results. But that one is just hilarious!