Oh. My. God. I have to say, I never thought that Stephanie would be the one to go the meth route. D.J. always seemed to be teetering on the edge of sanity, or Kimmy Gibbler, certainly. But Stephanie always seemed so wholesome. The world as I know it is crumbling around me.

Working with Bob Sagget would drive anyone to drugs... LOL
Good call Deb, how about coupling Bob with Mary Kate and Ashley?!?
It's just one full house of crazies...I wonder if they'll ever do a reunion show...that'd be some funny!
I'd still hit it - she's hot.
So much more interesting if she ended up in porn. I'd still hit it too.
Perhaps Playboy will scoop her up soon enough - giving her a little extra cash to shoot up with. Crack heads, meth addicts, they are all welcome.
I have to say, this story put me at ease. With tings the way they are in the world today, it's nice to see that junkie child actors remain a universal constant.
so she must be doing a tv movie or something soon and needs publicity right?
about gibler....that had to be a crack addiction!
i always pegged DJ as a bulimic.
I'm happy that she is on the right road now... next should be her new book. It seems that everyone is writing a new book about something.
Hey, I agree with everyone! She's coming out with a book she'll plug in Playboy that they'll make into a Lifetime movie where they'll show that she did it because she was abducted by aliens who turned out to be Mary Kate and Ashley!
i'd do meth too if i had to be around the olsen twins for any period of time.
How rude!
I don't buy it. Waaay too hot to have done meth. Dextroamphetamines, maybe, but I think it's just a stunt to get back on the map.
Though "Kimmie Gibler drove me to Meth" T-shirts could be huge.
Oh, wait, I'm a daily user of methamphetamines...
That is such a great joke, except it's TRUE.
I actually Googled Kimmie Gibler (Andrea Barber, something I sadly already knew) a few months ago, and apparently she's like, all settled down with kids and a white picket fence and everything. Who would've thought?
and are they THAT stinkin popular that they are now known as "the Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen?" Or does Jodie know another, lesser MK&A?
She only started to the meth to help her get off the crack.
It's reallynot that much of a stretch when you think about the other 'child-stars' of the day that were cranked up on something..
Drew Barrymore
River Phoenix
Danny what's his face (brady bunch - now a DJ recovering drug addict)
Mary-Kate Olsen
Todd Bridges from the 70's (different strokes)
Just the few that i can come up with off the top of my head...
DJ found religion like her brother (good ole' Kirk!), but I was surprised at Steph being the druggie. Out of anyone on that show, I figured Kimmie would be the culprit. And its no wonder those Olsen twins got so screwed up. Any one else think they look like Muppets?
She still looks exactly like she did on the show. Like she hasn't changed a bit. Creepy.
And Alshrim - I think you're referring to Danny Bonaduce who was on The Partridge Family. :)
She hasn't worked in forever. Nice publicity stint. Drug addictions can always make a washed-up child star much more interesting.
I bet she was really a sex-addict turn meth-addict. She seemed to play the taboo card really well.
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