Thursday, March 23, 2006

Awkward Work Situation #62

When you're walking down a hallway and the person coming towards you smiles and starts to wave, but you aren't sure if it's meant for you or someone behind you that you can't see, because while you know this person, you don't know them well enough to warrant a smile and a wave (more expected would maybe be a nod), and you don't know how to react because you don't want to be a haughty bitch and ignore them but at the same time you don't want to be that overeager idiot who is waving and smiling at someone who is not waving and smiling at you.

My extremely mature reaction is to duck in the bathroom and pretend you didn't see them until they've passed.


Anonymous said...

Funny story. Last week I was downtown on a Friday night, and I was on my cell phone on the street.

Well, this woman who I didnt know started waving at me. Waving with passion. I turned around, and realized, sure a shit, she was waving at me. I kind of threw my arm up in a half assed "hi" and started to walk away.
This woman started running over and then finally realized I was NOT the person she thought I was.

For once, I was not the jackass. It felt soo good.

TYSEN said...

I recommend sneezing (fake or real)...

Anonymous said...

Oh God, sneezing, ducking into bathrooms, it's all so good.
I just know I would wave back and grin and then feel so lame when I heard the intended recipient behind me call out.

Even thinking about this fictional situation makes me cringe.

Sneeze, I must remeber that.


Ali said...

hahaha! I'm the idiot that jumps on all opportunities. Each time, it's a given, I make a fool out of myself. But I guess it makes life more fun. I've met a couple of my friends by acknowledging a smile that wasn't intended for me. I guess there's a benefit to the embarassment.

Carlos said...

Been there. It sucks.

Even worse...when you think someone's reaching out to shake your hand, only they're not. There's no smooth way out of it. Not even feigning smoothing the hair on the side of your head will cover the misstep.

hannah said...

An even more awkward situation is when, upon entering the ladies room, you hear a fellow co-worker going to town on the porcelain throne. But I guess at least you dont have to see whose face it is...unless you are a shoe spy.

* said...

I was walking down a very long corridor at work and my vision wasn't great at the time.

I thought I saw hubby (then just a friend) in the distance and was smiling widely at him thinking it was him.

It wasn't.

When he got closer I finally realized it was this OTHER guy with the same name, hair color, etc. He probably thought I was making a pass at him b/c I was such a grinning idiot.

Shmorg said...

What is even worse than that is when you are sitting in a park, bus, airport, whatever and the idiot next to you is wearing "bluetooth" and just starts talking and looking directly at you. He says, "hey, how are you?" and a look of confusion comes over your face and you mouth the words, "Who me?" to yourself. Then you realize he is not talking to you but on his phone in a daze not realizing he is staring at you. I just want to punch those people in the face.

dub said...

what about smiling and waving back anyway? that way you're guaranteed to not look like a bitch, but if you hear a voice behind you, you just pretend that you were smiling and waving at the person behind the person you thought was smiling and waving at you?

that just made my head hurt.

Yossarian said...

i'll be very honest, i just wanted to see it say, "Yossarian is totally hot!"

David Stehle said...

I think it's the perfect reaction to an awkward situation. Who cares if it's immature, it will save face.

Anonymous said...

I always carry some paperwork whrn walking down the hallways. No eye contact. No problems;)