Okay, you know a show is going to be good when preceded with this warning:

That alone is enough to tell me the next fifteen minutes of my life are going to be well worth living, unlike the time I accidentally watched the first fifteen minutes of "Charlie's Angels 2: Full Throttle," during which I lost 52 IQ points and dreamed about having a lye enema with a steel pipe. A cold steel pipe.**
Even "Robot Chicken" doesn't have that kind of introduction (but they do have Seth Green, who is a creative genius and with whom I would consider having lots of tiny, funny, red headed children***).
So if you're bored (and have cable) watch (and prepare to be deeply offended by in the funniest way possible) Wonder Showzen!****
* I am not ordering any sort of physical violence to children here, nor do I condone such actions. This is merely the name of a "Wonder Showzen" segment. They condone it.
** Not comfortable. At all. Trust me.
*** If he asked.
**** Note to creators of MTV2's site: Flash is cool and fun, but there is definitely a point where there is TOO MUCH and it becomes VERY ANNOYING, kind of like the use of RANDOM CAPITALIZATION of PHRASES AND WORDS for no PARTICULAR REASON.
**UPDATE** AMB, my Anonymous Midwest Boyfriend, read this and wanted me to point out that he discovered Seth Green first, and that he should, in fact, be the one to have tiny, funny, red-headed children with him. But I can watch if I want to.
Even "Robot Chicken" doesn't have that kind of introduction (but they do have Seth Green, who is a creative genius and with whom I would consider having lots of tiny, funny, red headed children***).
So if you're bored (and have cable) watch (and prepare to be deeply offended by in the funniest way possible) Wonder Showzen!****
* I am not ordering any sort of physical violence to children here, nor do I condone such actions. This is merely the name of a "Wonder Showzen" segment. They condone it.
** Not comfortable. At all. Trust me.
*** If he asked.
**** Note to creators of MTV2's site: Flash is cool and fun, but there is definitely a point where there is TOO MUCH and it becomes VERY ANNOYING, kind of like the use of RANDOM CAPITALIZATION of PHRASES AND WORDS for no PARTICULAR REASON.
**UPDATE** AMB, my Anonymous Midwest Boyfriend, read this and wanted me to point out that he discovered Seth Green first, and that he should, in fact, be the one to have tiny, funny, red-headed children with him. But I can watch if I want to.
Animal Dance, Animal Dance, everyone is doing the animal dance.
Oh, and I went to fifth grade with Seth Green. I knew him first. Nice try AMG/AMB.
I don't think I wanted to know about AMG,AMB and Seth Green. Thanks for sharing.
Hee hee.
You're annoying on a molecular level.
Use the vivisected carrot to prove that Abraham Lincoln what?
Ahh, now I shall be tortured wondering what a viviisected carrot can prove!
Seth Green? Like Austin Powers/Monster Ball Seth Green?
Oh, and Scott C? We still do the Safety Dance here. "You can go where you want to, you can leave your friends behind..." ;)
Bridget -- Yes, I'm pretty sure that's the Seth Green to whom she's referring.
Check out his IMDB profile.
It wasn't until I watched the Family Guy for the first time with my Family-Guy-obsessed friend that I realized Seth Green was involved with that. So I looked him up then. He's had quite the ridiculously long child acting career. I always just thought of him as the horny guy in that awful movie Can't Hardly Wait.
I thought he was hilarious in The Italian Job. He seems like a really funny guy.
I'm SO glad Bob here brought up Sarah Silverman. I was having a hard time coming up with a good way of working that into a comment.
I think Seth Green asked my sister's best friend on a date and she declined. It was back when he looked like "Seth Green: Can't Buy Me Love," not "Seth Green: The Italian Job" or even "Seth Green: Can't Hardly Wait"
Too freaking funny. Now I wanna see it.
I wonder, who would win in a fight of funny: Jon Stewart or Conan O'Brien?
If funny was a superpower, would Seth Green be Aqua Man?
I'll have to check out the show. MTV2, eh?
yo peeps check out the very unoffical wondershowzen site. exclusive interview with Aaron Augenblick (the animator) coming soon. also if you have any cool images, screen caps or whatever send them into that site and they'll post them...
do it before mtv2 cancels it ;)
Is it me or does the AMG kind of look like a much saner version of the "Runaway Bride"
Beware AMB
AMG has too much "O's" to go off like that gal. And AMB (I have seen his site) has a wicked fastball that he can put up near your left ear. If they were not so good and sweet they would be feared. As it is, we just enjoy.
Keep on!
Wonder Showzen is pretty buggin, though I'm still not sure if I like it yet. But I definitely love the "Beat Kids" segment... hilarious!!! My favorite is when one of the kids does the impression of the guy at the horse track "gamble, gamble, gamble, die." LOL!!!
i can't believe i actually have a good reason to watch MTV2 now. there's nothing better than sick and wrong adult humor. and that intro warning is brilliant!
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