I am the QUEEN of multi-tasking. For example, as I am writing this, I am also on a conference call, exercising my buttocks (squeeze, release, repeat), and contemplating the holes in Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time."
I rarely do one thing at a time if I can at all help it. I surf the internet and watch TV at the same time. While running on the treadmill, I watch TV, read a magazine during commercial breaks, and listen to my MP3 player. I have a stack of magazines and books in the bathroom - why just sit there when you could also be looking at the latest Maxim spread?
If there are times when I have to limit myself to one thing, I feel like I'm wasting precious time. That 20 minutes in the tanning bed is 20 minutes when I could also be balancing my checkbook! That 15 minute drive to work is just long enough for a facial! That time spent in line at the DMV could have been spent checking my email!
I will try to sneak in anything I can under those circumstances. For instance, I will read an article in a magazine during red lights when I'm driving. I will make my grocery list while waiting in line. I take a nap while I'm tanning.
This must be because my superior intellect is far too advanced to tackle just one task at a time. Of course, it could also be that I have adult ADD and just get bored very easily. That's always a possibility, too.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
The Best Title Ever.
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8:44 AM
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Today's blog was brought to you by the letter 'C'
For those of you confused...Blogger published my post after I had just written a "c." However, all systems are up and running now.
You do many things at the same time,most girls are able to do that, man don't, they have to take one subject at a time,poor guys we are. It ain't fair !!
It's an okay title.
I liked "C" better.
Queen of multi-tasking or
QOMT. I have always thought AMG was a QOMT.
So let us know where you feel Stephen Hawking went wrong...
I really have to concentate when I exercise my buttocks.
Are we SUPPOSED to exercise our buttocks?
YOu can exercise your buttt??!! Wow I sure need that, what with my gravity defying bits falling all over the place...sigh...
I am just not twenty any more..waah!
this butt squeezing thing aches your butts! i realised the long termm benefit, but isnt it funny if someone asks "hi, i am a jogger. what about you?"
"hmmm... i am a butt squeezer..."
I'm the same way, but my husband just says I'm fidgety.
Or you could be a total spaz
Smoke a joint and chill the F out!
Jesus H!
Why cant men multi-task? WHY WHY WHY...
Only times men can do that is when we're masturbating...
Porn mag in left hand...dick in right hand...
You definately show the signs of an awe-inspiring intellect... unless you're distracted by shiny objects... then it's probably the ADD thing.
By the way... I heard that Einstein wrote in his blog, took conference calls, read Maxim, exercised his buttocks and contemplated the holes in Stephan Hawking's "A Brief History of Time." No wonder they called him a genius!
As a side note... you could always tell when Einstein was contemplating holes in Stephan Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" by the way he would chuckle and quietly mutter, "Oh you silly, silly boy..."
But Einstein was-
And Hawking is-
Ah forget it.
Isn't it noticeable the number of extra comments AMG got from women after mentioning butt exercices?
A chord has been struck...
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