Tuesday, July 12, 2005

It's a Little Early for Alzheimer's, Isn't It?

Today I sat down at the table and moved the remote control out of the way so I could set down my laptop. Five seconds later, I was frantically looking for the same remote control.

Go me.


Andrew Butters said...

Just wait until you run around like a crazy person looking for your glasses - that are on your head.

Then you'll be my mom. God love her.

Hey, what about my Coke can?

Anthony said...

its a good day when i remember anything...so don't worry...you're not alone

Anonymous said...

Umm. I'm here to pick up my dry cleaning?

whitechoclatespacegg said...

I'm constantly looking for the remote. I put it in places where at the time I think I'll never forget I put it there and then never remember. Oh the hours I've wasted looking under this sofa or that chair, or in the cushions. So nice to see I'm not alone.

Anonymous said...

Hour of Power at the Week-end.
Loss of brain function that week.

Could there be a connection?


P.S. Hey, isn't it time for a pic change? I like the current one and all but I've come to expect a certain turn-over here.
Get moving AMG!

Vixen said...

I say It doesn't matter how much you drink. My memory rocks when I am drunk, and so do my pool volleyball skills , Kareoke Singing, Poker Face and just about everything else! ;) LOL

Amanda said...

my alzheimers comes in the form of reminding myself to do something (such as put keys, cell phone, etc. in bag) and then doing it...right after exiting apartment frantically search through bag sweating unable to find items that were supposedly in the bag. they're in there, just can't remember putting them in.

Anonymous said...

I have SO been there... only I woulda been looking for my laptop.

Jodie said...

I once had to call in to work because I couldn't find my purse (and the keys that were in it)...until finally my daughter asked, "Mom...WHY is your purse in the freezer?"

I don't know why I put it there (and I don't drink alcohol, so it wasn't that).