Wednesday, September 07, 2005

And If You Think I'm Using Pictures in Lieu of Writing an Actual Post, You're Right.

Yes, my birthday was exactly one week ago, but it's not too late to get me a present.

And what I really want is a baby panda. So if anyone can pull any strings....


ALRO said...

At first - i thought it was a ferret...

Lara said...

Only TWO people like cute little pandas? You are all going to hell.

GoGo said...

AMG is pregnant??


David Stehle said...

I moblog when my writing desire is lacking and I'm feeling lazy. A photo works instead of text. Hey a post is a post. ;)

David Stehle said...

Sorry, almost forgot...happy belated birthday!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh... that is too cute. I want one too.

Stew Magoo said...

Just get an Old English Sheepdog. They look just like Panda Bears.

But they're lots and lots of work and require constant love and attention.