Monday, January 16, 2006

The One-Stop Solution to Work Boredom When Even Solitare Has Become Tedious:


Lara said...

It's actually a snail. The betta pretty much ignores it, except when he tries to rest on it and the snail moves. Then he's just confused.

Jess Riley said...

I think I need a lil' fishtank like that at work.

Fun blog, by the way.

scott c said...

Wow. You are struggling for material. You could have at least blogged about the magical lunch you had with that mysterious, charming, dashing man.

Just a thought.

bigfootcookie said...

I had a huge, and I mean HUGE* fish tank at home, but sold it just before Xmas, as it was taking to much of my time to maintain it.

I don't miss the tank cleaning, but I do miss my fish, and sitting watching them in their relaxing watery world whilst de-stressing.

Now I have to watch the TV and shout at the kids instead.

A tank at work would be so cool. And I wouldn't have to clean it.

* By UK standards.

browser58 said...

I am fortunate that my son has a large fish tank and does all the maintenance. I get to chill out in front of it and no work involved

TYSEN said...

If you get jumbo snails and make them really comfortable they'll fully extend their eye stalks and feelers. It's the coolest spineless critter you can buy for your tank. They just look so alien.

For xmas I got a "Office Tank" from my mom. It's a little acrylic tank with plastic office furniture and stuff in it for your office! A picture. I can't wait to set it up. I have these sea monkey like arthropods to grow in it, Triops they're called.

But I think I'll end up with a beta fish like you!

Lara said...

This is actually my tank that I bought for my office, so I still have to clean it and everything. But it's totally worth it. The fish and snail crack me up. I might just be amused too easily.

And Scott, in my defense, I posted this BEFORE lunch!

Haha, Tysen, that's so funny. I want one now.

Anonymous said...

Apparently there is some sort of office/fish fraternity that reads this blog.

I have no idea what this pic is.
That white things a snail? Okay.
What's a Beta?

Jeez, I am so confused.


T. M. Hunter said...

Heck, I thought someone had tossed in one of those Goldfish cheese snacks (which bloated ten times its normal size)...

The Lazy Iguana said...

For extra fun, place the beta next to a mirror :)

Lara said...

Haha, Anonymous, sorry. It really is a private club, but I'll let you in at the risk of getting kicked out: a betta/beta is the type of fish.

Lisa said...

HA! I laughed out loud at this one...thanks for the bright spot on a normally dismal Tuesday tuesday afternoon...

People truly underestimate mindless entertainment...

Chris said...

Fish are awesome. I have a tank full of the little bastards here at home, and they are highly entertaining. Or is that entertaining while high? I can never get that right. ;)

Thomas said...

I made an aquarium like that into a sick little saltwater tank for a friend's desk at work. He put a bunch of coral and a pair of "sexy shrimp" in it. They are awesome little tanks.