I would like to introduce the internet to the newest member of the Anonymous Midwest Family*...Riley! Or Samson. Dante? Or possibly, dear readers, a name that you suggest. Because that's what I'm asking for. Names. For this adorable, three-month-old mixed breed (fixed) puppy. Right now, I'm leaning towards Riley. But if you have the most awesomest, most perfect name ever, do share! Ideas are good!
**UPDATE** Riley is still a front runner. What do you guys think about Hugo? (Yes, I was was watching Lost tonight.)

*It's official! He's home with us now!
I had the world's greatest dog. He was my wingman for 14 years. He was stalwart and true. Fearless but never cruel (except to cats). His name was "Nigel."
That puppy looks like he can't WAIT to be a hero among dogs. I think "Nigel" would fit him quite well.
Failing that, Riley's not too bad. Dante almost works, but it sounds forced. *shrug*
Best dog's name ever. End of story.
He looks like a "Dr. Kensington" to me.
He's super cute.
Spunky :)
Buttsniffer. Not a great name but probably as accurate as anything else. Probably better than Humper.
Congrats on the new dog -- he looks like he'll be a good friend.
I really enjoy Dr. Kensington. How about Trevor.
Monsieur Poopay
Dog (a true classic)
I'm partial to Killer.
It's almost mandatory that you call him Puppy Dog (even when he's grown to 50 pounds or more)...
Little $#!t is hard to pull off effectively in certain circles...
Very cute! Nice looking dog too.
Snoop would be a cool name for any dog, and I also like Benson, Caesar or Bailey.
Is AMD too obvious (or unfunny)? You should totally name him "Ghetto Pimp."
Sorry. I've been listening to The Chronic again (not a euphemism... maybe).
I always liked the name Stay for a dog. "Come here, Stay. Come here, Stay."
I think Riley's an awesome name & if he's going to be a good size when he grows up, Max or Baxter seem to fit his look. He's a cutie! :)
Booger :)
We have a 14 1/2 year old Lab mix with that name, hes the best dog ever!!!!!!!!!!
Only cuz i'm a geek: Neelix
He kind of looks like a Riley. But you could always call him Joey Jojo Junior Shabbadoo.
Or Riley. Whatever you think is best.
He is gorgeous - what a face. He looks like a very pensive and deep fellow and for some reason I free-associated Hamlet as a name for him. Riley is a great choice too.
I couldn't watch Lost tonight - am dying to know what happened
I love Riley! But you could always name him Blogger!
He is ABSOLUTELY adorable! :)
I have 2 myself, and so I know the puppy love. :) Riley is a good name I like it. Hugo is not a great choice cuz it ends on an "oh" sound and might confuse the puppy when you say "NO." Just a training thought. :) (Hope you are crate training, easiest on human and dog usually.) He is absolutely adorable. If you want to see my monsters (MIster and Zoe) http://moblog.co.uk/blog/ilanna
Congratulations! I think Riley fits him just right, but I've always wanted a dog named Lebowski.
Well, if Lost is your inspiration, you should just go the full nine and call him Hurley. :)
But I still like Riley.
I used to have a great dog named Leroy. I would always sing " bad, bad leroy brown...badest dog in the whole damn town..." It's always fun to have a theme song!
Riley sounds like a great name, although I can't think of an appropriate theme song. Hmm?...
Why not Harley or Kramer....He is pretty he looks part Beagle and Lab or maybe Jack russle and Beagle and Lab or possibly part walker hound.. Go to dogbreed info .com and maybe you can find a likeness with some of the full blooded breeds. any way He sure is pretty. Ebal
I like minijonb's suggestion -Astro. That has absolutely nothing to do with my being a huge fan of Houston baseball. Maybe.
OR, you could borrow my next dog's name: Chunks. "I was so wasted I blew chunks!" gets a chuckle out of me everytime I hear it...
call him
as in deefa dog
or D for Dog
These are so great! You guys rock! I love the funny ones, like Chunck and Snoop Dog and Stay and Deefa and Booger and (my favorite) Ghetto Pimp. He's so clumsy right now I can't quite picture him as a Nigel or Ceasar or anything so aristocratic. I know dogs named Astro, Bosco, Bailey, Harley and Benson - and, unfortunatley, Hurley, which is why I went Hugo for my "Lost" inspiriation. But Illana, I think you're right - that sounds harsh like you're saying "no." Lexi - I love the name Lebowski, but my girlfriend called it for the puppy she's getting next week. :( Dozer's awesome and totally appropriate since he goes crazy then crashes for an hour. Leroy would be fun too...I love the idea of a theme song for him. Alshrim - I must be a geek too, because (although not Star Trek) I went through my video games to see if any of the hero characters had sweet names.
All things considered, I had to stick with Riley. I had to get him a tag with our phone number on it today because I was taking him to my cousin's soccer game, and I was worred about what would happen if he got loose. So I had to make up my mind quickly. But I agree, he does look like a Riley, so I think it'll be a good fit! :)
when i inherited a dog i renamed her 'dog' that although she was a bitch soon began to answer to that name and indeed the name stuck with the rest of the family. problem came last year when we bought a chocolate labrador puppy , but id obviously already used up the one suitable name in the world for a dog so ive had to settle on black dog and brown dog although the rest of the family in this case wont follow suit. the old black dog is a very clever animal who , at her advanced age now suffers badly from wind. when she is asleep at your feet and lets rip, she responds to the faintest voiced "phoo" by immediatly getting up and moving to another room. The joys of owning senior citizen dogs, flatulence and high vets bills
Now that there is what we call a cutie.
Whatever name you decide on (I recommend Beelzebub - nickname Bub), he is welcome to worship in my canine ministry.
Best regards,
Supreme Ayatollah
Pug Life Ministries
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