Here's Riley trying to slaughter a pig for our dinner later that night. Good boy. We love pork!

* I promise this won't turn into a "dog blog." Unless he does something extraordinary, I'll try to keep my adoring puppy posts to a minimum.** Does looking impossibly cute count as extraordinary?
** Okay, one more quick story. You know your life has changed when you unflinchingly pull a dead decaying rabbit foot, complete with bones sticking out of it, from your dog's mouth. Now that's love.
I don't think he could get any more adorable! I want one!!
I have a bad feeling about what the content is going to be here for the next month or two... :)
HA!! Looks like there will be two blogs overrun with puppy photos for awhile. What a coincidence AMG! We just picked up a black lab puppy (six months)on Sunday from the Seattle Animal Shelter. Riley is a great name for your pup, we got dibs on "Rocky."
You're not Jewish?
He looks like a Sinclair to me.
Yes indded.
hahahahahaha if flowers were growing out of his butt.. hahahahaha
Yes, being impossibly cute does count as extraordinary.
On another point, EWWWW!!!! Dead rabbit foot with bones sticking out and everything? EWWWW!!!
OMG! He is so cute! Why can't you have a dog blog?
I love the flowers out of his butt comment. I feel the same way about my Nikki girl. (psst! she is my avatar)
Thanks for visiting me!
What a little cutie!
Thank you for come by Cookee. You are so pretty.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am also orig from a midwestern mid-size city, born and raised there. We hafta compare notes, I miss it.
I was going to ask how you found me, but I see Erika in here. LOL
I had an Akita named Riley. I loved her, but she's gone now.
I would definitely go with Riley.
By the way, would you mind if I emailed you about your trip last year?
I saw your pictures and have some questions.
He's one seriously adorable little fucker, all right.
Amanda, you should get one. :)
Scott C., if you're worried about that, then take me out and give me stories to tell!
Joey, that's awesome! :) Congratulations! Rocky is cute, too!
Anon, no, thank god. I love me some bacon.
LocuTus, I KNOW! :)
Brianne, yeah, totally gross. But you gotta do what you gotta do...
Lynda, Nikki is adorable, too. I just might need to start a dog blog.
Erika, thanks! (Blush) Oh, you mean the dog?
Fortune, thanks! You are so very wise.
DooDah, heh, I bet theyare very similar. Everyhere out here is the same!
KB, :( I hope our Riley lives up to your Riley's legacy! Please do email me...I love talking about my trip. :)
Mr. Toast, well said!
Amanda: Do you find yourself speaking in baby talk to Puppy? lol!
My dog Nigel was 110 pounds of pure muscle and bone in his prime. I let him loose in a state park one night while camping. The next morning, he has drug up a deer carcass and was chewing on the end of what appeared, to my sleepy eyes, to be the elbow joint of a 10-year-old boy.
"Uhh... Nige? Whatcha got there?"
HEY AMG - I saw in your previous comments that you got a tag with his name on it.
I would change that immediately. I usually recommend that people put THEIR last name, phone number and "REWARD" on the tag. If you put their name on it, then someone trying to steal him and claim him as theirs can just take off the collar and go "oh come here riley!" and know his name causing more confusion. (also microchipping is a great idea - any shelter that asks is given a scanner for free! )
Yeah, that's really, really cute. You gotta love a puppy really working a chew toy...
Oh, and to clear up any confusion, the name "Nigel" worked because the dog wasn't aristocratic. He was a huge, massive "he" dog (even after we had his nuts cut off, which, if you think about it, is quite a feat). But the name would bug people for a little while, until they got the joke.
His nickname was "Bubba." He would answer to both.
I miss my big old goofy hound.
Aww, what a handsome little fellow. I, for one, would be fine with new puppy pics every day.
Hey, I may have you beat. I once pulled a turd out of my neice's butt when she was 6 months old - she was in alot of pain crying and some other details I won't gross you out with. Anyway, now THAT is love.
By the way, cute pup.
So I haven't stopped by your blog in such a long time - come to find, you have a dog. And holy crap, our dogs could be dog-twins (proof positive). Riley and Indy, seperated at birth from the same Mid-West city.
How old is he?
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