Friday, July 07, 2006

Uneventful? I Spoke (Well, Wrote) Too Soon!

There has been a death in the AMG household.

Not just a death.

But....a murder. Duh duh duhhhhhhh.

Don't worry. The offender has been apprehended and dealt with severely. Meaning laughing and lots of playing catch with the head of the victim.

On another note, while performing the autopsy of the dead, I found this tag. Keep in mind this toy was bought at a pet store with a big tag that said "PLUSH DOG TOY."

Maybe the perpetrator found out that this decoration had been masquerading as a toy and felt the need for some vigilante justice.


BUGG said...
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BUGG said...

I truly believe that your dog was framed...I'll call the CSI team immediately.


Chixulub said...

The toy was just begging for trouble....

Boobless Brigade Master said...

Okay...just for future reference after buying the next plush-woobie-dog-toy (that's clearly for decoration only)...upon giving it to the Woobie Addict you must say the following in your most thickest German accent possible:
"U-were mizzion, if zu shooze to axe-sept to zeek and deeeez-troy zeee Woobie! Zeeee Woobie is eeeevvvviiiiillll I say! Zeeee Woobie must die toonight!"
Keep in mind, those words have never been spoken in this household. Never. I swea...

Anonymous said...

Dogs always mess up and allow themselves to be captured...they never realize that no two pawprints are the same.

Lynda said...

Nikki use to destory her toys. We ended up getting them from the dollar store. At least they weren't for decoration. lol.

I thing AM dog was framed as well. That toy was probably a double agent sent to spy on the family.

TYSEN said...

this kind of reminds me of the horny dog from Click.

minijonb said...

"grisly crime scene"??? i guess plush dog toys don't bleed as much as they used to =;-)

David Stehle said...

I think decapitating the bear was the perfect decorating accent!

Brianne said...

Your dog is your new decoration. :) He's just showing the other decorations who's boss.

Gadfly said...

When I was in my 20s, someone gave me a cute li'l brown teddy bear. I put a double-edged knife through its chest and then stuck the knife in the wall, making the executed teddy bear a decoration.

I SO fucking rocked in my 20s. What the hell happened to me?

Sexy Lexi said...

Riley is so freakin' cute. I miss having a dog. Oh, but I don't miss cleaning up the 'accidents'.

Redhead Editor said...

I brought my newborn home in the cutest red velour sleeper with the appropriate snowman on it to commemorate a December birth. As she lay on her tummy sleeping next to me, I glanced at the label which read, "Not intended for sleepwear. Do not let baby sleep in this." And even though it was in the "newborn" size and even though newborns sleep 90% of the time, I slapped my baby awake for fear the label police would come find me. And no, I never remove the label from the mattress.

Roonie said...

You just can't be mad at that face.

mysterygirl! said...

That's easily the most adorable decapitation I've ever seen.

Wide Lawns said...

The poor thing. It was so cute. Are you going to perform a surgical, head reattachment?